Upper Township Democrats

Dear Friends,

During these trying times, the members of the UT Democratic Club will continue dedicate our energies to the advancement of Democratic values and supporting Democratic candidates who share our views. We are an active and dedicated group of individuals who are focused on bringing positive change within our community.

Our monthly meetings are a safe place where we can meet and share ideas with like-minded people here in Upper Township. The actions of the current presidential administration have many of us feeling off-balance and filled with concern and fear for ourselves and marginalized people in our community. We are committed to helping these people in any way we can. We welcome new ideas and new members who need to find a place where they belong. The Upper Township Democratic Club may be that place for you!

This year we will continue in our work helping marginalized communities (see our Community Actions page). We are also gearing up for the NJ gubernatorial election which will take place this year on Tuesday, November 4. It is essential that we work hard to elect a Democratic governor who can help shield us from the dangerous excesses of the current president and his MAGA allies. We will keep you up to date on the June primaries and do everything we can to get out the vote for the Democratic candidate for NJ governor.

Please consider joining us as we make some “good trouble’!

Janet, Linda, Jocelyn and Tom

UT Democratic Club Officers.

Get To Know Us!

The Upper Township Democratic club is a community organization committed to supporting Democratic candidates and progressive values up and down the ballot. We are open to Democrats, independents, moderate Republicans, and anyone else who is interested in moving Upper Township forward!

We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7 PM at the Seaville Friends Meeting House, 3088, Route 9, Ocean View. All are welcome!

Questions? Reach out to us at upperdems@gmail.com or find Upper Township Democratic Club on Facebook by clicking the Facebook logo above!

Hate Has No Home Here.

The Upper Township Democratic Club is selling lawn signs to send the message “Hate Has No Home Here”. We hope to fill Cape May County with these messages of hope and unity. If you want to purchase a sign, please send us an email to upperdems@gmail.com. Signs are just $10 each and are available for local porch pickup. 

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